
web site production is the most important thing to space, but also to the appropriate blank, if a certain element and margins or other elements too close is easy to be confused, visual space use whitespace to give some more elements. you need to give it some breathing space. especially in the text. next, please see the author of seven little skill we summarize:
reasonable arrangement website template f structure
用户浏览网站的视觉路线类似于字母 “ f 型。最顶部的位置总是能被看到中间区域仅有一半被看到再往下只有左边一局部能被看到当你做营销型网站设计的时候不知道将一个内容块放到社么位置的时候,一些视觉跟踪调查研究证明。可以去考虑一下这一因素。
users browse the website visual route like the letter "f. the top of the position can always be seen middle area half seen down only left a local can be seen when you design do not know a content block time in what position, some visual tracking investigation prove. to consider this factor.
design elements to attract attention
行动纲领的按钮分成 1-2-3 级,来吸引注意的好的元素是文字口号。或者就是一个普通的列表,其中很重要的一件事情就是要去找小标题。小标题比其他内容容易获得关注。使用恰当的标题,如果你写一篇很长的文章。通过这简单的方法向用户论述这篇文章的主题。
action buttons into 1-2-3 level, to attract the attention of the element is the slogan. or just an ordinary list, one very important thing is to find small title. small title than other contents easy to get attention. use the appropriate title, if you write a long article. on the subject of this article to users through this simple method.
shortening the length of website template
browse the usual page with just 4 seconds. there is not enough time to attract users and let him continue browsing your site. that is to say you should as far as possible the accurate description of your web design is about what, if it needs to let visitors spend more time to understand what the site is about to give up and leave.
the most obvious good site template.
这样是很好的但是考虑一下加入一个或者两个其他元素在这个位置让它看起来更明显,这是大家公认的事实。主要原因是大家都是用这种习惯方式来读书读文章的,另外早期的网站和应用软件也是基于此方法进行设计开发的通常会把 logo 放在左上角。
this is very good but consider adding one or two other elements in the position to make it more prominent, it is well known fact. the main reason is that we are in the habit of reading is to read the article, in addition to the early web sites and applications is based on the method of design and development usually put logo at the top left corner.
fresh and elegant. the most suitable site template
要确保它不要杂乱、令人讨厌或不被理解。大部分人感觉看杂乱、色彩花哨的图片是比较费劲儿的图片应该简洁、易理解的,前面已经提及过用户对广告是视而不见的当你设计过程中使用到图片时。尤其当图片人物的眼睛盯着用户。当然你也可以用目光的方向来引导用户关注某一个方向。 使用人的脸部图片更容易引起用户的注意。
to ensure that it don't clutter, is hate or not understood. most people feel look cluttered, colorful picture is more strenuous pictures should be concise, easy to understand, already mentioned that users of advertising is to pay no heed when you design process used to picture. especially when the image characters of eyes staring at the user. of course, you can also use the gaze direction to guide the user to focus on one direction. the use of human face images are more likely to cause the attention of the user.
what users ignore
at the same time, the user is on advertising to pay no heed habits to ignore banner ads and text ads. design to prevent anything that looks like an advertisement. the user can ignore large blocks of text. no one has time to read large text, only the solution of the page.
text format
website template to format to highlight some do you think very important words or sentences, the appropriate text formatting more intended to read. don't be afraid to u
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