
win the trust of users is a comprehensive process, be the first to bear the brunt of the user is to eliminate the doubts, the marketing type website construction practice is even more so. it is because the department of commercial enterprises in network marketing way, no factories lack strength just need more packaging needs more publicity need website. the website wants to display the marketing effect, winning the users and visitors to the trust is the first step, and the elimination of user concerns is essential to win marketing type website construction. on the contrary, those sites on the sales did not help or no positive effect, no due to marketing type site. development and construction in beijing, the website of these a few years, page design more and more refined, specialization is a trend. so based on this, if the enterprise site located in marketing is certain to web host opened in the territory, and earnestly fulfill the icp filing procedures. the lack of updates to the site, users see the site has long time no update, thinking it is the website owner on the face is not enough or site management disorder; another is the lack of original content, departments for copy to copy, this performance in small website is especially outstanding.
疑点一:内容案牍多抄袭(content copy multiple copy)
as the first impression to the website, art design has never been a little things. in ensuring the site doesn't run, a reality that can not be ignored is chinese interconnection environment, because sometimes we local access the site when the speed is very fast, but when the user access is on the topic. so the author holds a point of view, is the website construction completed only the first step, the website maintenance operation security is more important. although at present a lot of network companies to marketing type website construction as a gimmick to attract users attention, to expand the market. unfortunately, according to the shanghai website construction company pilot technology () observation, many companies do not make use of internet resources, at least in network marketing for the website construction suck, already lost at the starting line.
the general enterprise web site or blog or forum bbs, because it can bring help to the sales, to understand from this aspect, is also the marketing website. if a web site data exchange and access to large amount of progress, remove web host itself function, using the cdn node in the certain bandwidth access general acceleration is a better solution. but it is not essential to deeply understand the marketing type site, a user look after suspicious sites, but also to talk about marketing?
we cite an example, when the user through a key word search, open a very top ranking websites, but wait for a long time did not open, or even opened slowly. ma yun said that small and medium-sized enterprises need the internet, the internet in all ways of marketing marketing is the most economical, the most easily see the effect of the way. from the enterprise website construction point o
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