
in the small and medium-sized enterprise website construction road, because guangzhou website construction funds, strength gap, can not be compared with large enterprises, therefore, they built the marketing type website construction of their own, often choose to intelligent and finished website. by this way, the cost is not too high. there is a network operation mature enterprise, focus on brand image and online business development, higher requirements on design and function module. custom design and application they will choose a more professional network of the company are of high quality. with the in-depth understanding of the internet, enterprise website construction quality and functional requirements will be increasingly high. mainly in fine style, powerful function modules, and the website domain name and host space choice and so on. therefore, the future network company, from the technical strength of efforts, in order to get more customers site.
the five aspects of enterprise marketing type website construction following the most important:
choose a good domain name
domain name choice contains thousands of knowledge. we all know as baidu, netease such domain name is easy to remember and easy to input. however, now the internet domain name, web site too much, limited resources, a lot of good domain name has been registered, the alternative is very small. so more next time when choosing a domain name, should highlight the characteristics of the company, but also easy to remember.
have independent space
主机在网站建设及运行中起做重要的作用,网站主机就是网站安全稳定快速运行的基础。很多企业的网站,不是打开慢,就是频繁宕机,不是遭受攻击,就是经常出现“service unvalueable”提示,都是因为选择了不稳定的主机所致。笔者建议在选择主机的时候,如果有条件,最好是选择稳定的独立主机,在选择idc服务提供商的时候,要对其资历进行考核。通常选择知名的idc网络公司是比较可靠的,一方面、专业技术过硬日常维护比较好;另一方面、服务比较专业可以及时的处理一些突发的故障。另外,主机空间关系到网站运行速度和用户体验,如果网站运行速度缓慢,用户很难有耐心去等待,就会失去很多用户。
the host play important role in web site construction and operation, basic web hosting web site is safe and stable run fast. many of the web site, not open slowly, is the frequent downtime, not attack, "service unvalueable" is often suggested, is because the choice of instability caused by the host. the author suggests that when choosing a host, if there are conditions, the best choice is stable independent host, in the choice of idc service provider, to evaluate their qualifications. idc usually choose well-known internet companies is relatively reliable, excellent technology professional hand, routine maintenance is good; on the other hand, more professional service can timely deal with some sudden fault. in addition, the host space related to site operation speed and user experience, if the site is running slowly, is very difficult for users to have the patience to wait, will lose a lot of users.
program optimization site
website program optimization is different from the seo optimization, the purpose is to let the site to improve user experience. website program simple can accelerate the speed of running the program. applications such as marquee and js rolling of special, will affect the site loading and running speed. now the vast majority of websites are using similar asp/php dynamic programming, frequently read and write a stored procedure if handled improperly, it will slow down the site speed, not to mention a few dead c

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